Showing 156 results
Archivistische beschrijving
External publications regarding home economics
External publications regarding home economics
External publications regarding Battersea College of Education and its staff
External publications regarding Battersea College of Education and its staff
External Publications
External Publications
Student Record for Rosemary Napper
Student Record for Rosemary Napper
Student Record for Dorothy Nash
Student Record for Dorothy Nash
Student Record for Brenda Naylor
Student Record for Brenda Naylor
Student Record for Coreen Alleyne
Student Record for Coreen Alleyne
Student Record for Norma Johnson
Student Record for Norma Johnson
The Development of Home Economics Teaching in the Light of Changing Social Conditions
The Development of Home Economics Teaching in the Light of Changing Social Conditions
Student cards c.1974-1977
Student cards c.1974-1977
Battersea Polytechnic Training School Students' Records
Battersea Polytechnic Training School Students' Records
Student Activities
Student Activities
Shadow Faculty Board
Shadow Faculty Board
Joint Battersea/Sidney Webb Committee
Joint Battersea/Sidney Webb Committee
Reports of the Inner London Education Authority, the Department of Education and the Council for National Academic Awards
Reports of the Inner London Education Authority, the Department of Education and the Council for National Academic Awards
Reports of Meetings with other Colleges and the Inner London Education Authority
Reports of Meetings with other Colleges and the Inner London Education Authority
Constitutional Sub-Committee
Constitutional Sub-Committee
Joint Battersea/South Bank Joint Academic Working Party
Joint Battersea/South Bank Joint Academic Working Party
Joint Working Party on the amalgamation of the Battersea College of Education, the Rachel McMillan College of Education Annexe and the Polytechnic of the South Bank
Joint Working Party on the amalgamation of the Battersea College of Education, the Rachel McMillan College of Education Annexe and the Polytechnic of the South Bank
Merger with South Bank Polytechnic
Merger with South Bank Polytechnic