Bestanddeel RCHS/4 - Birth Atlas


referentie code



Birth Atlas


  • 1950s (Vervaardig)



Omvang en medium

1 book


Naam van de archiefvormer

Institutionele geschiedenis

The Maternity Center Association, now Childbirth Connection was founded in 1918 as a North American not-for-profit organization to improve the quality of maternity care through research, education, advocacy, and demonstration of maternity innovations. In 1939 the Association sponsored a major exhibition of sculptures of the childbirth process by Robert Latou Dickinson and Abram Belskie at the 1939-40 World's Fair.

Geschiedenis van het archief

The book was given as a gift to the Queen's Nurse-Midwives which were part of Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Institute for Nurses established in 1889 to provide District Nurse training across the UK. The name of the Institute was changed to the ‘Queen’s Institute of District Nursing’ in 1928 and to the Queen’s Nursing Institute in 1973. Nurses have not trained at the Institute since 1968, but the Institute continues to support community nurses in any specialty with project funding, professional development, information networks, financial and personal assistance, and works to influence national policy affecting nurses in primary care.

Directe bron van verwerving of overbrenging

Inhoud en structuur

Bereik en inhoud

A childbirth education resource containing reproductions of twenty-four life-size photographic prints of Robert Latou Dickinson, MD, and Abram Belskie's sculptures of fertilisation, growth, stages of labour and involution with explanations of the baby's development.

Book plate inside front cover reads; 'To the Queen's Nurse-Midwives with the compliments of the Maternity Center Association, 654 Madison Avenue, New York'

Waardering, vernietiging en slectie



Voorwaarden voor toegang en gebruik

Voorwaarden voor raadpleging

Voorwaarden voor reproductie

Taal van het materiaal

  • Engels

Schrift van het materiaal

Taal en schrift aantekeningen

Fysieke eigenschappen en technische eisen

Oversize black leather bound volume


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