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The International Civil Defence Organisation is an intergovernmental organisation with the objective to contribute to the development of structures safeguarding populations, property and the environment from natural or man-made disasters.

Language and Literacy Unit

The Afro-Caribbean Language & Literacy Project (ACLLP) began in 1984 with Section 11 funding. It worked through classroom-based staff development along with other resources and succeeded in changing attitudes to Creole and Caribbean languages, enabling people to value their own linguistic heritage and in many cases see their languages written down for the first time.


English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) was a core part of the Unit's activities from the start. As well as providing ESOL training the unit was the lead partner in the National ESOL Training and Development project from 2001 and produced an ESOL core curriculum and core curriculum training.

Basic Skills Agency

Produced by the Basic Skills Agency on behalf of the Department for Education and Skills