Série LSBU/3/1 - Academic Board

Zone d'identification




Academic Board


  • November 1964 - February 2015 (Création/Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

1 bound minute book and 30 boxes

Zone du contexte

Nom du producteur


Histoire administrative

The Academic Board held its first meeting on 2nd November 1964, following the establishment of the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) in the same year. The Academic Board succeeded the Board of Studies (LSBU/3/9) and the Educational Committee, (LSBU/3/3) which was established in 1892.

Its original terms of reference were the raising and maintaining of academic standards, contributing to the academic aspect of the Polytechnic's future development and considering the recommendations of the Boards of Studies. The large body, composed mainly of elected and ex-officio members of staff, sometimes working through subcommittees, widened its work from new courses and syllabuses for the CNAA to administrative and academic problems of all kinds. Over the years the Board grew in influence, spreading the responsibility for institutional academic development and standards amongst a group of staff much wider than had ever previously been the case. The Academic Planning Committee was replaced with committees for strategic planning and academic management.

The current Academic Board is accountable to the Board of Governors for the academic activities of the University. It also creates and maintains connections with industry, advises and supports the University's relationship with its UK and international partners and advises on the instruction of fellowships, scholarships, prizes and other aids towards study and research.

Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

Loose paper minutes of the Academic Board 1-22 (2 Nov 1964- 11 May 1970) and 1-269 (1970-2015) along with copies of the Academic Regulations for Taught Courses for different years.

Évaluation, élimination et calendrier de conservation



Mode de classement


Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation

Conditions d'accès

Conditions de reproduction

LSBU Copyright

Langue des documents

  • anglais

Écriture des documents

    Notes de langue et graphie

    Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques

    Instruments de recherche

    Zone des sources complémentaires

    Existence et lieu de conservation des originaux

    Existence et lieu de conservation des copies

    Unités de description associées

    Descriptions associées

    Zone des notes

    Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)


    Mots-clés - Sujets

    Mots-clés - Lieux

    Mots-clés - Noms

    Mots-clés - Genre

    Zone du contrôle de la description

    Identifiant de la description

    Identifiant du service d'archives

    Règles et/ou conventions utilisées


    Niveau de détail

    Dates de production, de révision, de suppression




        Zone des entrées