Minutes and papers of the Governing Body.
Zonder titelContains records concerning the governance of the College, comprising:
BCE/1/1 Governing Body, 1953-1976
BCE/1/2 Academic Board, 1963-1976
BCE/1/3 Papers regarding the Report of the Committee on Higher Education (the Robbins' Report), 1963-1964
BCE/1/4 Visitations of Battersea College by University of London Institute of Education, 1931-1968
BCE/1/5 Papers regarding the revision of courses, 1942-1948.
Zonder titelContains the minutes of the Academic Board.
Zonder titelContains the minutes and papers of the Governing Body of Battersea Training College of Domestic Science and Battersea College of Education.
Zonder titelMinutes and papers of the Governing Body.
Zonder titelComprises a selection of reports, agendas, minutes and documents regarding the recommendations of the Report of the Committee on Higher Education from various bodies including the Battersea Training College of Domestic Science Board of Governors, the London County Council Education Committee and the University of London Institute of Education Steering Committee.
Zonder titelCorrespondence to arrange a visitation and preliminary information produced by the College.
Zonder titelPreliminary information produced by the College.
Zonder titelCorrespondence regarding the visitation, preliminary information produced by the College, a programme for the visitation and the visitors' report.
Zonder titelProvides information regarding staff members including teaching position and employment history.
Zonder titelContains items relating to the retirement of Elizabeth Merson, Guild Treasurer.
Preliminary information produced by the College and the report by the visitors.
Zonder titelContains the publications of Battersea College of Education, comprising:
BCE/1 Prospectuses, 1963-1977;
BCE/2 Manor House Magazine, 1952-1956;
BCE/3 Battersea Training College Magazine, 1963-1964;
BCE/4 Battersea Domestic Science Guild Magazine, 1965-1986;
BCE/5 History Publications, 1979;
BCE/6 The Guild of Home Economists of Battersea and South Bank University magazines, 1994-2003;
BCE/7 Battersea Polytechnic Reports, 1892, 1925-1945;
BCE/8 The Guild of Home Economists of Battersea and The South Bank Polytechnic Magazines, 1987-1993.
Documents and correspondence regarding the revision of courses at Battersea Training College of Domestic Science including the three year course of training for teachers of domestic science and the social study course.
Zonder titelContains Staff Registers and papers relating to the retirement of Elizabeth Merson, Guild Treasurer.
Comprises a staff register.
Zonder titelBook presented to Elizabeth Merson in celebration of 50 years as Guild Treasurer including messages and letters from former students.
Correspondence regarding the visitation, preliminary information produced by the College and the Governors' reply to the visitors' report.
Zonder titelVisitors' report and covering letter.
Zonder titel