Publication brochures, order forms and advertising flyers for publications produced by the Unit.
Language and Literacy Unit, London Language and Literacy Unit, LLU+Staff news sheets, edited by Christopher Price.
1 April 1984
2 May 1984
3 June 1984
4 June 1984
5 October 1984
6 November 1984
- December 1984
7 December 1984
8 January 1985
- January 1985
9 February 1985
- February 1985
10 March 1985
11 May 1985
- June 1985
12 June 1985
13 July 1985
Polytechnic of the South BankComprises correspondence between the Students' Union's General Manager and other University Students' Unions and documents regarding setting up a proxy voting system for sabbatical elections.
London South Bank University Students' UnionContains minutes of the Provisional Committee, Representative Committee, sub-committee appointed by the Provisional Committee and the first three meetings of Council.
Financial Management and Control Evaluation for Lambeth College, and briefing for staff and committees ahead of PFA audit by the Skills Funding Agency.
Agreements between the Borough Polytechnic and its employees whereby the Polytechnic agreed to set up life insurance for the employee.
Borough Polytechnic InstituteComprises prospectuses for the years 2005-06 and 2006-07 and a professional development course brochure for 2007-08.
LLU+1954 Prospectus lists David Bomberg as a member of the Department of Art and Crafts staff
Borough Polytechnic Institute