Inaugural South Bank Student Union Newsletter.
Student Advice Bureau - London South Bank University Student UnionComprises the following rules and regulations:
Internal Procedures, 1994
Student Union Complaint Procedure, 1995
Code of Practice, 1995
Code of Practice for Freedom of Speech, 1995
Membership of the Union, 1995
Meeting Regulations, c.1995
Affiliations and Donations, c.1995
Election Regulations, c.1995
Discipline of Members and Union Officer, c.1995
Committee Regulations, c.1995
Members Disciplinary Procedures, 1997
Election Regulations c.1998
Student Complaint Procedure, c1998
Election Regulations, 2002
The photographs and negatives show the time capsule being buried, construction of the building, the official openings of both phases, the exterior of the new building, offices, board room and reception area, internal garden, a Technopark cake made by the National Bakery School and Technopark building models and schemes. The digital images show the Technopark exterior in the early twenty-first century.
South Bank PolytechnicComprises:
Correspondence regarding the proposed development, 1981
Correspondence and papers regarding the planning proposal and public enquiry, 1982-83
Southbank Technopark Limited Directors' Reports and Accounts 1982 and 1983
Information packs for prospective tenants, c.1985
Publicity material regarding the building and its services and facilities c.1985
A film about the possibilities open to women who work in engineering and technology and the different entry pathways. It includes interviews with women working in engineering, employers and higher education institutions offering relevant courses.
South Bank PolytechnicA promotional film for South Bank University. The tape is damaged and cannot currently be accessed.
South Bank University