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Literacy Activities at a Nursery
LLU/3/6/3 · Unidad documental simple · 1998
Parte de LLU+

Footage from the Grove Nursery, London of mothers making literacy activities for their children and of two children practising reading with their mother.

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Networking issues 11-17
LLU/4/1/2 · Unidad documental compuesta · Feb 2004 - Mar 2006
Parte de LLU+

Comprises the following issues of Networking:

Issue 11 - February 2004

Issue 12 - June 2004

Issue 13 - October 2004

Issue 14 - March 2005

Issue 15 - June 2005

Issue 16 - October 2005

Issue 17 - March 2006

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Prospectuses and Course Brochures
LLU/4/3 · Serie · 2005-2008
Parte de LLU+

Comprises prospectuses for the years 2005-06 and 2006-07 and a professional development course brochure for 2007-08.

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A Guide for Parents & Carers
LLU/4/4/1 · Unidad documental compuesta · 1994, 1999
Parte de LLU+

Comprises two booklets from the series A Guide for Parents & Carers, entitled 'Bilingual children' (1994) and 'Helping children with spelling' (1999).

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Family and Community Learning
LLU/5/1 · Serie · c.1994-c.2007
Parte de LLU+

Photographs of various events and workshops for family learning involving parents and children of various ages.

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