Comprises ephemeral items produced by the Union between September 2007 and August 2010, including digital images for some flyers.
Comprises ephemeral items produced by the Union between September 2004 and August 2007.
Indexed attendance register for the Governing Body (LSBU/1/2), House and Building (LSBU/1/8), Finance (LSBU/2/1/1), Recreation (LSBU/5/15), Education (LSBU/3/3), Library (LSBU/2/8/1) and Sub-Committees.
Borough Polytechnic InstituteIndexed attendance register for the Governing Body (LSBU/1/2), House and Building (LSBU/1/8), Finance (LSBU/2/1/1), Recreation (LSBU/5/15), Education (LSBU/3/3), Library (LSBU/2/8/1) and Sub-Committees.
Borough Polytechnic InstituteColour and black and white aerial and ground shot photographs, slides, negatives and digital images of the local area around the Polytechnic's campus at Elephant and Castle.
London South Bank UniversityBound volume of minutes of Advisory Committees of the Borough Polytechnic, split into the following Advisory Committees:
-Liberal Studies;
-Metal Science;
Borough Polytechnic InstituteComprises:
A paper on the changes in the pattern of part time courses in building to be discussed as a meeting held on 25 June 1963.
A paper on the school's courses in plumbing.
A paper regarding the change to metric units in the construction industry, October 1967
Brixton School of BuildingComprises ACLLP reports on the training of maths teachers and an anthology for social studies.
Language and Literacy UnitComprises ACLLP sub-project reports and teaching materials.
Language and Literacy UnitComprises ACLLP sub-project reports and materials for a workshop about GCSE English Language teaching
Language and Literacy UnitComprises ACLLP sub-project reports, teaching materials and a conference pack from a residential conference at Avery Hill College.
Language and Literacy UnitComprises a list of ACLLP sub-projects, course materials for a short summer course on the Caribbean at the Islington Institute, sub-project reports and Paper 1 from a London Seminar on research and practice in adult literacy.
Language and Literacy UnitContains the Accounts for the National College.
National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering