Comprises an annotated bibliography of essential texts regarding nuclear weapons and their effects and a draft GLAWARS report for Task Two.
GLAWARSComprises reports and papers, including two final reports, examining the Swiss and Swedish civil defence systems.
GLAWARSComprises papers and reports regarding the vulnerability of London including the GLAWARS Task Three report for the commissioners.
GLAWARSComprises a report on the economic aspects of a nuclear strike on London and the terms of reference for Task Ten.
GLAWARSComprises a preliminary report for Task Six.
GLAWARSComprises papers and a preliminary report for Task Seven.
GLAWARSComprises papers concerning Task One, which is split into three sections: types of military attack; various issues pertaining to different types of attack; a description of each type of attach.
GLAWARSComprises the objectives of Task Nine and four subsections: food; water, nutrition and environmental health; energy; social aspects.
GLAWARSComprises terms of reference for Task Four, GLAWARS reports, a London Civil Defence Survey carried out by Market & Opinion Research International (MORI) and the Task Four report for the GLAWARS commissioners.
GLAWARSComprises reports, maps showing blast effects, data and a preliminary report for Task Five.
GLAWARSComprises the terms of reference for Task Eleven and the GLAWARS report on the Task for the commissioners.
GLAWARSGLAWARS newsletters, meetings and progress reports and minutes of meetings held with the Home office regarding GLAWARS on 9 January 1985 and 28 May 1985.
GLAWARSContains detials about the seven GLAWARS commissioners, their roles, memorandum and meeting minutes.
GLAWARSTask outlines and outcomes for 11 of the 12 tasks required by the GLAWARS. Task Eight: Impact on Biosphere During the First 2 Years After an Attack is not included.
GLAWARSComprises correspondence and papers providing information on the background to the GLAWARS and its terms of reference.