'Form of Tender, Contract, Specification and Bill of Quantities for the Execution and Completion of Works in Converting the Baths in Ferndale Road, Brixton into a Technical Institute' produced by the General Constructional Section of the Architects' Department of London County Council.
London County Council School of BuildingStudents working in the woodworking machine shop using belt-driven machinery.
London County Council School of BuildingA pamphlet charting the School of Building's history from its foundation as the London County Council School of Building in 1904 until its merger into the Polytechnic of the South Bank in 1970.
London County CouncilAn article published in the Royal Society of Health Journal, December 1977.
Jennings, S; MrA book charting the first fifty years of the Brixton School of Building. It includes a history of the School along with illustrations and names of members of the governing body and staff giving exceptionally long or valuable service.
London County CouncilComprises syllabus information for National Certificate and Higher National Certificate courses in Public Health Engineering, course notes for teachers on a variety of topics and subjects and exam papers for end of year, National Certificate and Higher National Certificate exams.
Brixton School of BuildingIncludes syllabuses for the following National Certificate courses in Building (Public Health Engineering) c.1958: Science; Mathematics; Building Construction; Public Health Engineering Drawing; Specifications and Quantities; Estimating; Public Health Engineering; Installation Design; Public Health Law; Surveying and Levelling; Office Organisation and Methods; Hydrostatics and Hydraulics.
Also includes syllabuses for the following Higher National Certificate courses in Building (Public Health Engineering), c.1968: Science and Engineering; Sanitary Installation and Land Survey; Hydrostatics and Hydraulics; Building Services (Install Design); General Studies; Measurement, Economics and Specifications; Law and Administration.
Brixton School of BuildingStudents working on a house as part of a major construction project undertaken in the old swimming bath area which was filled and floored after the First World War.
London County Council School of BuildingStudents working individually in a science laboratory.
London County Council School of BuildingStudents working in pairs in a science laboratory.
London County Council School of Building