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People and Organisations

The 2011 Mayor of Southwark's Discretionary Award was awarded to the university's Community Engagement Team for its work in helping to bring students from the local area into higher education.


The nation's first National Diary Week took place the week beginning 20th May 2013 as a way of encouraging people to put pen to paper and celebrate the personal diary. London South Bank University participated by placing the UK's largest diary in the Student Centre foyer and encouraging staff and students to record a snapshot of their day in it.


David Waboso, Henry Stephenson and Lillian Stephenson were made Honorary Fellows of the University, Jane Newell OBE and Dr Theuns Eloff were made Honorary Doctors of Laws and Dr Patricia Moberly and Sir Graeme Catto were made Honorary Doctors of Science.


In November 2010 students at London South Bank University participated in the nationwide protest against planned spending cuts to further education and an increase of the cap on tuition fees. The LSBU students protested outside Technopark and also joined the national demonstration in Central London.


Produced by the Learning and Development Centre


My Human Campaign: the Cohedia Summer Fair was an exhibition staged in the Keyworth and K2 buildings by Xavier White. It formed part of White's year long residency as part of the School of Health and Social Care's People's Academy.


The demonstration was organised by the Stop The Fees Campaign in support of five Oxford University students who were refusing to pay their tuition fees in protest against the introduction of student loans and the removal of grants.


In May 1999 a protest march was organised by groups including the Anti-Nazi League, Unison and the Movement for Justice in order to protest against the extreme right's nail bomb campaign, which targeted London's black, Bangladeshi and gay communities. The march route began in Brixton and led to Downing Street and Trafalgar Square.


Report produced by the Standing Committee of the Academic Board on Library and Educational Technology.


Unique was launched as the new student newsletter in May 2012. It is issued monthyl and emailed to students' inboxes as well as being available online via its own microsite.


The first Vice Chancellor's Enterprising Staff Awards Ceremony was held in 2012 to recognise and celebrate the enterprising practices undertaken by University staff. Awards are given to teams and individuals in six categories: Most Innovative Project; Greatest Income Potential; Best New Process; Greatest Student Benefit; Best Cross Faculty Project; and Overall Winners. Winners receive sums of money to be used for their personal and professional development.


The Chelsea Pensioners' annual Christmas Cake Ceremony began in 1950 as a symbol of friendship between the United Kingdom and Australia. Each year the Australian Returned and Services League donates a large Christmas cake to the Chelsea Pensioners, with each Australian state taking it in turns to commission the cake.


FIND was an exhibition showcasing work by thirty-five LSBU graduates from the range of design courses offered by the University. The exhibition aimed to encourage communication between new designers and industry professionals and inspire current design students. It was held in the Keyworth Centre and was formally opened by the University's Chancellor Richard Farleigh.