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People and Organisations
Person · 1940-

Rt. Rev Dr Tom Butler was made an Honorary Doctor of Letters of the University in 2005. He was the ninth Anglican Bishop of Southwark from 1998-2010.

Cadogan Court

Cadogan Court was a halls of residence for the Battersea Training College, located at 37 Queens Gate Gardens, Kensington.

Caxton House
Building · 1920s-present

Caxton House at 13-16 Borough Road was built in the 1920s for printing union NATSOPA by E J Williams Architects of Leicester and later used by SOGAT 81. The building was purchased by South Bank Polytechnic in 1988 to house students and staff from Rachel McMillan College. In 1992 it housed the Administration Department of the Polytechnic, including the Vice-Chancellor and later housed the University's staff from the Centre for Learning Support & Development, including the Careers Centre. It currently houses staff from the Confucius Institute, following a 2015 refurbishment carried out by Rivington Street Studio.

Centenary celebrations
Corporate body · 1992

South Bank Polytechnic celebrated its centenary with a year's worth of celebrations, beginning with the Director, Pauline Perry releasing balloons from the Tower Restaurant. Other events included a service of thanksgiving, a special lunch at the Guildhall in London and dinner dance in Edric Hall.
The Centenary Lunch was held at the Guildhall, London and was hosted by the Vice Chancellor, Pauline Perry and the Liverymen of the Worshipful Company of Bakers. A recipe book, "The Lightest Chocolate Mousse in the World" was put together by the National Bakery School as part of the celebrations.

Chantler, Cyril; Sir
Person · 1939-

Sir Cyril Chantler GBE FRCP FRCPCH FMedSci is a British paediatric nephrologist. Chantler was notable for devising a method with Norman Veale of measuring glomerular function in children and later researched diet and growth failure in children with renal impairment. Chantler was most notable for holding an independent review of public health evidence for standardised tobacco packaging that later became known as the Chantler Review that led to standardised packaging for tobacco and cigarette packets.
Sir Cyril Chantler was made an Honorary Doctor of Science of the University in November 1999.

Charitable Funds Committee
Corporate body · 1985-2012

The Charitable Funds Committee was a committee of the Board of Governors which exercised custodianship over originally the Polytechnic and then the University's charitable funds and ensured that these were allocated appropriately. The final meeting was held in December 2012.

Charity Commission
Corporate body

Approved by the Board of Charity Commissioners on 12 August 1892.

AR/22 · Corporate body · 1960-1995

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children opened on 14 February 1852 as a result of a campaign by Dr Charles West and Dr Henry Bence-Jones to establish a hospital solely for children, which until that point did not exist in Great Britain. Formal nursing training was introduced in 1878 and in 1960 a new School of Nursing building was officially opened on 31 March 1960 by Princess Alexandra. The Charles West School of Nursing merged with South Bank University in 1995.