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People and Organisations

The Joint Battersea/Sidney Webb Committee was setup to consider the transfer of the Sidney Webb Home Economics department to Battersea College of Education.

Jennings, S; Mr

S Jennings was a Lecturer in Public Health Engineering at the Brixton School of Building. He later became Head of Department of Technician Studies at Vauxhall College of Building and Further Education.

J. A. Johnson

Created by the Vestry Clerk, Solicitor and Clerk to the Trustees of the United Charities.

Building · 1990-2007

The Isobar was one of the Student Union venues on the ground floor or the George Overend Building on Keyworth Street.


The International Confectioners Exhibition, Dusseldorf 4-12 May 1957 was one of the largest exhibitions of its kind and featured displays of traditional confectionary products from countries in Europe. The Borough Polytechnic and the Leeds College of Technology were invited to display their produce as part of a section for Bakery Schools. The Polytechnic's Bakery and Confectionary Department was displayed by a member of staff, Miss Joan Russell who was then internationally well known for display work.


The International Civil Defence Organisation is an intergovernmental organisation with the objective to contribute to the development of structures safeguarding populations, property and the environment from natural or man-made disasters.

Institute of Child Health
Corporate body

The Institute of Child Health was founded in 1946 as a postgraduate paediatrics school of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. Today it is an academic department of University College London and remains the primary research partner of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.

Ingall House
AR/24 · Building · 1950-1990s

Ingall House was built around 1870 and in 1950 became the first halls of residence used by the National College of Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering to house in dormitories up to thirty teenage recruits on full-time courses. It was named after Dr Douglas Ingall, the first Director of the National College and was located at 8 Dulwich Wood Park. The building was included in the merger that formed the Polytechnic of the South Bank in 1970s and continued to provide student accommodation, though it was altered to provide 28 study bedrooms instead of the original 44. In the early 1990s the Polytechnic (now South Bank University) devised a new accommodation strategy whereby all halls of residence would be within walking distance of the Southwark campus. Consequently the University terminated the lease on Ingall House.