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People and Organisations
Rigg, Diana; Dame
Person · 1938-2020

Dame Diana Rigg was made an Honorary Doctor of Letters in October 1996.

Richmond, Miles Peter
Person · 19 December 1922 – 7 October 2008

Miles Peter Richmond attended art classes at the Borough Polytechnic Institute following the Second World War and was taught by David Bomberg. He was a founder member of the Borough Group of artists. He was made an Honorary Fellow of the University in 2000.

Research Degrees Committee
Corporate body · 1985-2015

The Research Degrees Committee is a sub-committee of the Academic Board (LSBU/3/1). Its main responsibilities are to approve programmes of work proposed in applications for degrees of MPhil or PhD and to complete the examination process by advising the Academic Board of degrees to be conferred. The Committee ceased in August 2015 and the University Research Board of Study was set up instead (see LSBU/3/23)

Members of the Committee were appointed by nomination from the Executive Dean of the relevant Faculty.

Research Committee
Corporate body · 1994-

The Research Committee was established in 1994 as a sub-committee of the Academic Board. Its original terms of reference were to:

-Consider and advise the Academic Board on the promotion, conduct and development of research in the University;

-Review research activity and facilities with a view to identifying areas for development;

-Facilitate research initiatives in the University by preparing, in consultation with Faculties and Schools, a rolling strategic plan for research;

-Allocate University funded Research Scholarships to projects;

-Monitor and evaluate research achievements;

-Develop and keep under review the University's relations with external research funding bodies;

-Raise awareness of research activities and opportunities.

The Chair of the Committee has usually been the Vice-Chancellor.

AR/29 · Corporate body · 1993-1994

Redwood College was formed in July 1993 by the merger of Roding and Romford Colleges of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare Studies. These Colleges were in turn formed by the amalgamation of several Schools of Nursing and Midwifery in Essex and London. Redwood College of Health Studies merged with South Bank University in 1994.

Records in this collection were created by several hospitals in Essex and London, which taught nursing but which no longer exist, with the exception of Whipps Cross Hospital.

Red Cross Hall and Garden

Red Cross Hall and Garden opened in 1887 in Southwark. They were both open to the public to be used by local residents.

Recreation Committee
AR/16 · Corporate body · 1898-1946

The Recreation Committee was a sub-committee of the Governing Body (LSBU/1/2). Its terms of reference were to receive:

  • reports of Sections, Clubs, Societies, Field, Old Boys' Associations, Old Girls' Association, Bakery Students, Volunteer Corps;

  • reports of receptions by Governors and Members Conversazioni, Concerts, Lectures, Sports, Grants to Clubs;

  • fees of clubs and societies;

  • reports and recommendations of the Institute Council (LSBU/5/13);

  • applications for the formation of new societies and pass their rules;

  • reports and recommendations as to the Library and Reading Room.

Rantzen, Esther; Dame
Person · 1940-

Esther Rantzen was made an Honorary Doctor of Letters of the University in November 2000.

RAG Week
Corporate body

RAG Week is an annual fundraising event, raising money for different charities. In the late 1960s until 1970 the Borough Polytechnic contributed to a joint RAG Week organised by London colleges. After the creation of the Polytechnic of the South Bank it organised its own RAG Weeks.

AR/8 · Corporate body · 1914-1977

Rachel McMillan was born in New York in 1859, the daughter of Scottish immigrants. On visiting Edinburgh at the age of 28, Rachel was influenced by Socialism and the following year moved to London to be near Margaret, her governess sister and also attend socialist meetings, write articles, and give free evening lessons to working class girls. The sisters moved to Bradford and joined the Fabian Society, Social Democratic Federation, and Labour Party. In 1892 Margaret with Dr James Kerr published a report on the health of elementary children in Britain and began campaigning for improvements. Rachel returned to London and was active in the Labour Party movement. In 1906 the sisters campaigned for, and had passed, the Provision of School Meals Act. In 1908 they opened the country's first school clinic in Bow and another in 1910 in Deptford as well as a Night Camp for children. In 1914 they started an open-air nursery & nursery staff training centre in Peckham which was accorded recognition by the Board of Education in 1919.Rachel McMillan died in March 1917 and the re-named Rachel McMillan College moved premises to Creek Road, Deptford in 1930. The new buildings housed students studying on three-year full-time courses leading to a Froebel Certificate. In 1961, at the invitation of the governors, the College was taken over by the London County Council (LCC). The LCC created an annexe of the College on the New Kent Road, which provided accommodation for part-time students studying nursery, infant and junior teaching courses leading to a London University Certificate in Education after a four-year part-time course. The New Kent Road annexe merged with South Bank Polytechnic in 1976 to become part of the Faculty of Education, Human & Social Studies. The rest of Rachel McMillan College merged with Goldsmith's College in 1977. In 1989 students and staff were relocated to the Polytechnic's main site.

Corporate body · 2005-

The Quality and Standards Committee was set up to review and advise on the development of University strategies regarding the student experience, learning, teaching and assessment. It also monitors the quality of the students' learning experience through the annual student satisfaction survey and receives reports of quality assessment or review reports from external professional and statutory bodies. The chair of the committee is the Pro Vice Chancellor (Students and Quality).

Puri, Nathu: Professor
Person · 1939-

Professor Nathu Puri was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science of the University in 2007.

Professor Nathu Puri is a successful industrialist and entrepreneur, renowned philanthropist and devoted supporter of education. He is one of the most powerful Asian businessmen in Britain and an alumnus of the national College of Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering, which makes him an alumnus of London South Bank University and thus a great role model for our students.

Born in Chandigarh in the Punjab, Nat's family had fallen on hard times. Most observer agree that the seeds of Nat's later ambition and success were probably planted young, watching the collapse of his father's banking business after partition in India in 1947. As a Hindu in a predominantly Muslim area, his father lost most of his money as many of his clients either fled to Pakistan or were the victims of communal violence.

"There were no debtors left, only creditors", Nat Puri recalled.

Eventually, after years of struggle, he himself left India at the age of 27 with a degree in pure maths and little money in his pocket. And it was to the National College that he came and studied and, he now says, profited from the excellent teaching there. After leaving the College, he joined the long-established Nottingham firm F G Skerritt where he worked as an engineer. As the story goes, in 1975 his life took a major turn. He had made a proposal for some new business in the Middle East and when the company declined he walked out with a month's salary. Turning round a property deal, he set up a consultancy which flourished. Eight years later he had bought out his former employer.

And from then on, the story is well known as Melton Meedes, his holding company, now part of the bigger Purico Group of Companies, set out on the acquisition trail. With a small staff in Nottingham, which has become his adopted home, the company gradually became an empire.

With extraordinary single-mindedness, he showed no qualms about the size of any potential new business. He is said to have bid for the likes of Rover and the former British Shipbuilders' yard in Sunderland, despite having no experience of either the car or shipping industry. He didn't get these particular companies, but his capacity to surprise is famous. His interest are extraordinarily diverse and global – from car badges like Mercedes, to waste products, from textiles to cigarette papers and from engineering and construction, including steel fabrication and air-conditioning units, to printing – a subsidiary company printed Variety and Billboard in the United States. Questioned about the logic of such a wide range of activities, his answer is simple – business is business.

But he has also sought to use his wealth and influence in pursuit of those things he values, chiefly education. In 1988 he set up the Puri Foundation, a charitable trust, with an initial donation of 1 million [pounds], The foundation invests in projects close to his heart, particularly involving technology and education. He strongly supports schools and the education of young people. Most recently, together with Toyota, the Puri Foundation has created an Engineering Centre at Top Valley School in Nottingham, providing training and education to young apprentices in the county. He has also made generous donations to Nottingham University, where he has been awarded the title of Special Professor in the Business School. He has also set up a Scholarship fund at this university, in commemoration of the role the National College played in his own development.

He has also been generous to political parties; although he is a well-known benefactor of the Labour Party, he has also supported Ken Clarke for the Conservative leadership, and it has even been suggested that he is watching the Liberal context with interest. This, of course, says much for his even-handedness and his adroitness. And indeed his significance for all political parties.

His dedication to India remains enormous. In 1999 he and Gulam Noon presented the President of India with a collection they had bought at auction in Sotheby's of hitherto unpublished letters from Gandhi to Maulana Abdul Bari, an Islamic scholar, leader of the Khilafat Movement (1920-22) and founder of the Jamiat-e-Ulema. This was at a time when the President Narayanan was endeavouring to encourage inter-religious understanding and in the letters Ghandi makes a passionate plea for communal friendship, something with which Nat Puri clearly identifies from his own personal experience.

Recently is has been said that his support for Indian charity is unsurpassed. He gave a million pounds to the Gujarat Earthquake appeal in 200. And he is genuinely concerned about tribal illiteracy in India, particularly the 150 million adivasi tribal people living in remote regions in India without health care and literacy. He has embarked on a project to bring education and medical care to these people and he is currently developing a higher education institution in northern India.

But cricket, especially Indian cricket, is also a great passion. Indeed he is said to have two boxes in Trent Bridge and the Indian Express, faced with a sudden dearth of tickets for the Test Matches, suggested that it was time to be even nicer to Nat than usual.

In his book the magic of Indian cricket, Mihir Bose recalls a dinner hosted in 2004 by Nat Puri in honour of the Indian team. Nat had promised £50,000 for the first Indian to get a triple century in a Test match and as the keen followers of the game here will recall, Veeru Sehwag, the unconventional batsman, became the first – with 309 against Pakistan in Multan and of course helping India to its highest ever 675 for five against Pakistan.