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Wanstead Hospital
AR/14 · Pessoa coletiva · 1938-1986

From Lost Hospitals of London The Essex County Hospital opened in 1938 in a building originally erected in 1861 as the Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum. (Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria, had laid the foundation stone.) In 1921 the orphans moved to Bearwood House in Wokingham and the Asylum building was bought by the Convent of the Good Shepherd as a refuge for women and girls. In 1937 Essex County Council bought the building and converted it into a hospital. The Hospital joined the NHS in 1948 as a general hospital with 202 beds. It had suffered considerable damage during the war and a proposal was made to develop a larger hospital on the 7 acre site. However, these plans came to naught. The war damage was repaired and by 1961 the Hospital had 195 beds. The maternity service was withdrawn in 1975 and the Hospital finally closed in 1986 with 188 beds. Services were transferred to Whipps Cross Hospital.

The hospital was part of the Forest Group School of Nursing, centred on Whipps Cross Hospital, training nurses for both the Register and the Roll.

Connaught Hospital
AR/3 · Pessoa coletiva · 1878-1977

From Lost Hospitals of London: In the late 19th century Walthamstow residents Mr and Mrs Tudor opened a 'Cottage for Sick Children' in a private house in Brandon Road. The Hospital moved to larger premises in Salisbury Road in 1880 and became known as the Leyton, Walthamstow and Wanstead Hospital. In 1894 the gift of Holmcroft in Orford Road enabled the hospital to expand so that it could also provide general services, and it was duly renamed the Children's and General Hospital for Leyton, Leytonstone, Walthamstow and Wanstead. It was enlarged in 1897 and again in 1903. By 1925 it had 50 beds. The Leyton and Leytonstone War Memorial Ward was added in 1927. In 1928 it was renamed the Co aught Hospital, as the Duchess of Co aught had been patron since 1866. The Duke of Kent had helped to raise £17,000 for its ru ing costs. By this time it had 100 beds. Comely Bank in Orford Road was acquired as a clinic in 1930. In 1934 the Hospital was enlarged again and by 1939 had 118 beds. Although mooted in 1945, the prospect of building a larger hospital never materialized and, in 1959, the old Walthamstow Town Hall, built in 1866, was incorporated into the Hospital and became its main entrance. This expanded it to 128 beds. In 1948 the Hospital joined the NHS under the control of the Forest Group Hospital Management Committee, part of the North East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board. In 1974, following a major reorganisation of the NHS, it came under the auspices of the Enfield District Health Authority, part of the North East Thames Regional Health Board. The Hospital finally closed in 1977 due to financial cutbacks in the NHS.

King George Hospital
AR/12 · Pessoa coletiva · 1912-1993

King George Hospital, Ilford, Essex, started in 1912 as the Ilford Emergency Hospital to serve the Ilford, Barking and Dagenham areas with 20 beds. During WW1 it became an approved military hospital with 56 beds.

Claybury Hospital
Pessoa coletiva · 1893-1997

Claybury Hospital opened in 1893 as the London County Lunatic Asylum, Ilford. At the end of the 20th Century with the Care in the Community Programme and decline in patient numbers from its peak of 4,000 patients, Claybury closed in 1997 and the historic buildings converted into luxury flats.

Joint Committee on Honorary Fellowships
Pessoa coletiva

The Council of the Polytechnic agreed to establish the awarding of Honorary Fellowships in 1976. The Polytechnic then began creating honorary graduates in 1989 and once it became a University in 1992 it started awarding honorary degrees. Candidates are required to demonstrate a notable contribution to either the University, education and academia in general or the local community.

The Joint Committee on Honorary Fellowships was established in 1980 comprising four members: two nominated from the Polytechnic of the South Bank Council and two from the Academic Board. The terms of reference were to consider nominations and submit names for the award of Honorary Fellow. Honorary Degrees were award after the Polytechnic was granted university status, but recipients were decided by a committee of the Academic Board.

In March 2002 the Joint Committee's terms of reference amended to create a single committee responsible for both the Honorary Fellowships and Degrees. This was named the Honorary Awards Joint Committee.

Board of Directors
Pessoa coletiva

The Board of Directors is more commonly known as the Board of Governors. For a time they were known as the Board of Directors when organising and holding the Annual General Meetings but those present still attended as members of the Board of Governors, rather than as Directors.

Policy and Resources Committee
Pessoa coletiva · 1989-2015

The Policy and Resources Committee was established in 1989 and contained the Finance and General Purposes Committee (LSBU/2/1/1). In 2001 the Finance Committee became a separate committee. In 2003 it was subsumed back into the Policy and Resources Committee.

The Policy and Resources Committee was a committee of the Board of Governors and advises the Board on the University's policies, its solvency and the use and safeguarding of its resources and assets. It also ensured that the University operated within the law and implemented matters delegated to it by the Board.

On 14 May 2015 the Board closed the committee as part of the governance effectiveness review.

Formation Committee
Pessoa coletiva · 1970

The Formation Committee was formed jointly in April 1970 by the Governing Bodies of the Borough Polytechnic Institute, the Brixton School of Building, City of Westminster College and National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering to oversee the establishment of the Polytechnic of the South Bank, including the appointment of the Director, Secretary and other senior officers.

Finance Committee
Pessoa coletiva

The Finance Committee was a sub-committee of the Board of Governors (LSBU/1/2). It merged with the House Committee (LSBU/1/8) in 1966 to become the Finance and General Purposes Committee. In 1989 it became part of the new Policy and Resources Committee (LSBU/1/10). In 2001 the Finance Committee became a separate entity again before being subsumed into the Policy and Resources Committee in 2003.

The Regeneration Practice
Pessoa coletiva · 1995-

The Regeneration Practice is a London-based architectural studio recognised in awards, publications and exhibits both nationally and Internationally. Established in 1995 by Paul Latham, the firm has an impressive record of creating innovative and environmentally responsible architectural space which combines historic and contemporary narratives to create a delightful architecture.

Academic Board
Pessoa coletiva · 1964-

The Academic Board held its first meeting on 2nd November 1964, following the establishment of the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) in the same year. The Academic Board succeeded the Board of Studies (LSBU/3/9) and the Educational Committee, (LSBU/3/3) which was established in 1892.

Its original terms of reference were the raising and maintaining of academic standards, contributing to the academic aspect of the Polytechnic's future development and considering the recommendations of the Boards of Studies. The large body, composed mainly of elected and ex-officio members of staff, sometimes working through subcommittees, widened its work from new courses and syllabuses for the CNAA to administrative and academic problems of all kinds. Over the years the Board grew in influence, spreading the responsibility for institutional academic development and standards amongst a group of staff much wider than had ever previously been the case. The Academic Planning Committee was replaced with committees for strategic planning and academic management.

The current Academic Board is accountable to the Board of Governors for the academic activities of the University. It also creates and maintains connections with industry, advises and supports the University's relationship with its UK and international partners and advises on the instruction of fellowships, scholarships, prizes and other aids towards study and research.

Young Woman Engineer of the Year
Pessoa coletiva · 1978-

The award was first presented in 1978 at the instigation of the Caroline Hasslet Memorial Trust and Institution of Electronic and Electrical Technician Engineers (now the Institution of Engineering and Technology). It was initially called the Girl Technician of the Year award and was renamed the Young Woman Engineer of the Year in 1988.

Academic Structure Committee
Pessoa coletiva · 1972-1973

The Academic Structure Committee was Chaired by the Polytechnic's Director and established in 1972. The Committee met 28 times, received and circulated a number of topic papers, considered 67 submissions by individuals or groups and met 25 members of staff. Its careful recommendations, set out in the reports, advocated a departmental structure as against the then fashionable course-school matrix, to consist of 19 departments, reasonably uniform in size, in six faculties. Major resource responsibilities were to be at faculty level with four 'development areas' identified in Law, Education and Psychology, Applied Social Science and Humanities.

Despite widespread consultation, the proposals in the first report were savaged. The Committee withdrew its proposals and its second report in November 1973, after 30 more meetings, met with indifference rather than hostility, and seemed likely to be adopted however administrative support could not be gained and the proposals misfired. Modest changes were later implemented with minimum change to the existing departments, with the establishment of four faculties in 1973-74, which were Administrative Studies, Built Environment, Human Studies & Education and Science & Engineering.

Havering Campus, London South Bank University
AR/30 · Pessoa coletiva · 2001-

Havering campus was established in 2001, along with Whipps Cross Campus, after South Bank University merged with the Redwood College of Health Studies. It is on the site of the former Harold Wood Hospital which was founded in 1909 as a convalescence home for children. The campus is used by the School of Health and Social Care.

Borough Road Training College
Pessoa coletiva · 1804-

London South Bank University's Borough Road building was the former residence of the Borough Road Training College. The site was purchased from the College in 1890 and remodelled to accommodate the Borough Polytechnic Institute which opened in 1892. The Training College moved to Isleworth in West London and eventually became a part of Brunel University.

Governing Body, City of Westminster College
Pessoa coletiva

In 1959 the Governing Body consisted of 12 members, five of whom were appointed by the London County Council, three represented departments of the Civil Service, two represented Local Government, one the County Councils' Association and one the University of London (CWC/4/1/1).

Staff Association, City of Westminster College
Pessoa coletiva

The Staff Association had its first meeting on 30 May 1960 with Mr J.D. Mellor as Chairman. There were four representatives of the teaching and library staff and two representatives of non-teaching staff on its committee. Clause 2 of its constitution noted 'the object of the Association shall be to promote within the College the professional and social welfare of its members as a whole. It shall not take any part in nor be an instrument of College Administration (CWC/1/3/1).

When the College became part of the Polytechnic of the South Bank in 1970, the Staff Association became the 'Polytechnic of the South Bank Westminster Staff Association', later becoming 'Polytechnic of the South Bank's (Westminster) Staff Association'.