Item report

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# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 GLAWARS/3/40 Abstracts of Civil Defence Planning Assumptions c.1984 None
2 GLAWARS/1/3 Address by Mr Giles Shaw M.P. Minister of State at the Home Office to the County Emergency Planning Officers' Study 4 October 1984 None
3 GLAWARS/3/13 A Nordic Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone as a (Partial) Depletion Zone 1983 None
4 GLAWARS/2/7 Assessment of the Impact on the Greater London Population of an Accidental Release of Radioactivity from the Proposed Sizewell 'B' Pwr. 27 February 1984 None
5 GLAWARS/3/38 Biological Effects of Nuclear War - Acute Effects of Radiation; The LD-50 Value c.1980 None
6 GLAWARS/3/29 British Civil Defence and Nuclear War: A Critical Assessment with Reference to Economic Consequences February 1983 None
7 GLAWARS/3/21 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists January - June 1987 None
8 GLAWARS/3/36 Casualties Due to the Blast, Heat and Radioactive Fallout from various Hypothetical Nuclear Attacks on the US 21 September 1985 None
9 GLAWARS/1/10 Circular No. ES 7/1975 Major Accidents and Natural Disasters 2 September 1975 None
10 GLAWARS/3/31 Civil Defence and Emergency Planning: A Survey of the year 1982/83 c.1983 None
11 GLAWARS/2/14 Civil Defence and Emergency Planning Greater London Council Meeting with Home Office 14 March 1985 None
12 GLAWARS/2/19 Civil Defence Planning and Plans from an Organisational and Managerial Perspective 5 July 1985 None
13 GLAWARS/2/9 Civil Defence Planning Assumptions: London Borough of Camden's Correspondence with the Home Office 17 October 1984 None
14 GLAWARS/3/8 Civil Defence Planning in the National Health Service c.1980 None
15 GLAWARS/3/24 Civil Protection Against Chemical and Biological Warfare c.1985 None
16 GLAWARS/1/1 Consolidated Circular to Local Authorities on Emergency Planning 1984 None
17 GLAWARS/2/6 Contractors Working on Nuclear Military Installations 22 February 1984 None
18 GLAWARS/2/21 Conventional War Planning in a Nuclear Weapon State April 1985 None
19 GLAWARS/3/18 Correspondence Regarding Nuclear Free Zones (NFZ) March 1987 None
20 GLAWARS/2/12 Correspondence regarding the GLAWARS Home Office Grant 28 November 1984 None
21 GLAWARS/2/22 Correspondence regarding the GLAWARS with the Polytechnic of the South Bank 3 September 1985 None
22 GLAWARS/3/9 Effects of the Possible Use of Nuclear Weapons c.1967 None
23 GLAWARS/1/2 Emergency Planning Circular - War Emergency Planning for the Fire Service and Home Office 30 July 1984 None
24 GLAWARS/1/5 Emergency Planning Guidance to Local Authorities 1985 None
25 GLAWARS/1/6 Emergency Planning Guidance to Local Authorities, EPG Handbook 2: Communal Shelters 1985 None
26 GLAWARS/1/8 Exercise VIREG - Post Exercise Report circulated to all Chief Executives in England and Wales 17 June 1987 None
27 GLAWARS/3/14 Global Climatic Consequences of Nuclear War c.1980 None
28 GLAWARS/2/26 Greater London Area War Risk Study (GLAWARS) 12 April 1984 None
29 GLAWARS/2/10 Greater London Area War Risk Study (GLAWARS) - Home Office Grant Application 20 November 1984 None
30 GLAWARS/2/25 Home Defence Exercise 'Brave Defender' June-August 1985 None
31 GLAWARS/2/4 Implications of the Civil Defence (General Local Authority Functions) Regulations 1983 and the Civil Defence (Grant) (Amendment) Regulations 1983 13 December 1983 None
32 GLAWARS/2/2 London as a Nuclear Free Zone (NFZ) 9 March 1982 None
33 GLAWARS/2/1 London Tidal Flood Warning System - Report on Surveys Associated with Exercise Floodcall 1978 11 May 1979 None
34 GLAWARS/8/4 London Under Attack 1 May 1986 None
35 GLAWARS/3/43 Map of Hawthorn Government Bunker Complex c.1980s None
36 GLAWARS/1/4 News Release - Argument for Effective Civil Defence is Morally Overwhelming - Home Secretary Addresses Emergency Services Officers 28 November 1984 None
37 GLAWARS/2/18 Notes of a Meeting with the Home Office 18 May 1985 None
38 GLAWARS/3/22 Nuclear Attack and the Man-Made Environment September 1987 None
39 GLAWARS/3/7 Paper on the Nature of a Soviet Attack c.1980s None
40 GLAWARS/2/16 Papers Regarding a Request from the Home Office to Complete Civil Defence Plans by 31 December 1985 1 May 1985 None
41 GLAWARS/1/9 Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) House of Lords Official Report 23 April 1985 None
42 GLAWARS/3/4 Peacetime Emergency Scheme c.1970s None
43 GLAWARS/3/12 Planning Armageddon c.1983 None
44 GLAWARS/2/17 Planning Assumptions Part 1 - Questions put to Home Office by Greater London Council on 20 October 1982 1984 None
45 GLAWARS/3/25 Press Release - US Releases Nuclear Weapon Accident Plan 25 September 1987 None
46 GLAWARS/2/5 Radio Communication in the London Area 20 December 1983 None
47 GLAWARS/3/28 Reform Across the Sea: A Comparison of Defence Policy Making in the UK and the USA c.1980 None
48 GLAWARS/2/11 Report on Home Office Circular of Guidance to Local Authorities on Emergency Planning 20 November 1984 None
49 GLAWARS/3/32 Residential Shielding Factors in Nuclear Attack 14 November 1985 None
50 GLAWARS/3/20 Sizewell 'B' Inquiry: Relocation of Population 26 August 1983 None
51 GLAWARS/3/27 Smart Weapons: Trends and Capabilities c.1980 None
52 GLAWARS/3/42 Survey about Londoners and Nuclear Attack c.1984 None
53 GLAWARS/4/6 Task Six: Long-term Effect on Health 1984-1986 None
54 GLAWARS/2/3 The Civil Defence (General Local Authority Functions) Regulations 1983 3 November 1983 None
55 GLAWARS/3/10 The Consequences of "Limited" Nuclear Attacks on the US 14 November 1985 None
56 GLAWARS/2/20 The Council's Civil Defence and the Civil Defence Exercise 7 May 1985 None
57 GLAWARS/3/30 The Ecological Consequences of Nuclear War 15 March 1985 None
58 GLAWARS/3/11 The Effects of Nuclear War 6 June 1983 None
59 GLAWARS/3/26 The Emergency Planning Role of Local Authority Environmental Health Departments 16 June 1987 None
60 GLAWARS/3/35 The Land and Defence: Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War 19 March 1984 None
61 GLAWARS/3/19 The London Borough War Emergency Plan c.1980 None
62 GLAWARS/3/39 The Management of Mass Casualties 1983 None
63 GLAWARS/3/33 The Potential Effects of a Major Nuclear Exchange on the Weather and Climate of the London Area January 1985 None
64 GLAWARS/3/17 The Scientific Basis for the Development of Guidance and Operational Procedures for Living under Radioactive Conditions 1985 None
65 GLAWARS/1/7 The Scientific Basis for the Development of Guidance and Operational Procedures for Living Under Radioactive Fallout Conditions 1985 None
66 GLAWARS/2/13 The State of Civil Defence: Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE) Civil Defence Report 9 January 1985 None
67 GLAWARS/3/5 Towards Quantifying the Source Term for Predicting Global Climatic Effects of Nuclear War: Applications of Urban Fire Codes 15 June 1985 None
68 GLAWARS/3/6 United Kingdom Warning & Monitoring Organisation (UKWMO) c.1980s None
69 GLAWARS/3/16 US-USSR Strategic Offensive Nuclear Forces 1946-1986 July 1987 None
70 GLAWARS/3/41 What to do if Nuclear War Happens n.d. None